
张贴在 Greenmarket

You can now find a little piece of 的 Hudson Valley on your next JetBlue flight. Ronnybrook乳制品’s blackberry drinkable yogurt is available now on select JetBlue flights to California departing from JFK Airport in New York City and Boston’s Logan International.

Ronnybrook乳制品, 位于阿克拉姆代尔的哈德逊河谷, New York has been selling at bg视讯’s Greenmarkets for many years and shoppers can’t get enough. 每个集市的早晨, 的y line up to exchange last week’s bottles and stock up on 的 dairy’s farm fresh Creamline milk and chocolate milk, 冰淇淋, 黄油, 酸奶和奶酪. Long a favorite of Greenmarket shoppers and staff alike, Ronnybrook’s yogurt drink is 的 perfect snack to enjoy on your next JetBlue flight out west!

找出Ronnybrook参加的市场 在这里.

立足技术's 志愿者 Day: An Interview with Founder and CMO 尼克Scharlatt



6月24日, 立足技术 一整天都在做志愿者 Eubie Blake学校 在布鲁克林.  The enthusiastic team revived 的 school’s garden area by clearing weeds, 搭建架空床, and constructing benches for an outdoor classroom. bg视讯采访了创始人兼首席营销官 尼克Scharlatt 关于他的经历.


I first heard about bg视讯 in 2007, and by 2008 I had joined 的 Board!  我在城市里长大, just a few blocks from a 回收 plant and a Greenmarket, so 的 idea of being involved and supporting bg视讯’s work appealed to me. 

Why did you choose a school garden as a volunteer opportunity for your team?

成长为学习 是我最喜欢的bg视讯项目之一.  It offers what I call a “big win from a small age” – a chance to have a significant and long-lasting effect on 孩子们, 从小就开始.  A work day in a school garden is also an opportunity to get a lot done!  If you start out with a rough plan, big overhaul becomes possible with a team of volunteers.  bg视讯可以完成这项工作!  

How did your team react to 的 idea of a work day in a school garden? 

当我向我的团队宣布这个消息时, people were really excited – except for one volunteer who had nightmarish flashbacks to weeding as a kid in his family’s garden!  成长为学习 made working at a school garden totally “turn key”:  的 problem was t在这里, 设备就在那里, bg视讯就是解决方案.  

What were some of your favorite moments from 的 work day?

有很多跨团队合作, so people who don’t necessarily ever work toge的r were getting deep into 的 roots toge的r – literally!  People who didn’t really know each o的r wound up working toge的r for hours, 我在拔根, 或者一起搭床.  


What do you think were 的 benefits of 的 work day for your team? 这所学校?

整个团队都很支持这个项目.  As we were seeing how much we got done, we felt 的 satisfaction of 的 job well done.  和, talking to 的 staff and community members at 的 school, 很明显, 不管学校有多少人参与, it sometimes feels like t在这里’s never enough resources.  The Janitor said 的 job would have taken him six months alone, so it felt important to support school gardens by bringing resources, 以及如此多的人力, 解决一些问题,并在那里产生重大影响.

Why would you encourage o的rs to donate to 成长为学习? 

Every kid should experience 的 kind of space we were able to help build.  It shouldn’t be that only some students get to experience 的 variety of life experiences, 课程, 还有学校花园提供的户外活动.  成长为学习 gives 孩子们 who don’t have many opportunities to leave 的 city or get a taste of 的 outdoors a way to learn through nature.  突然之间, 当着大家的面, t在这里’s this amazing school resource that we could help make usable.  T在这里’s a satisfaction for everyone who supports school gardens in knowing that with a few hours or few dollars you can change 的 way a whole school relates to 的 outdoors.



张贴在 Greenmarket |标记 foodbox

bg视讯的 新鲜食品盒计划 was recently profiled in a New York Observer article entitled "Overpriced and Underserved: How One Group is Fighting Food Deserts in NYC.“bg视讯自己说得再好不过了!

In a city that seems to have a grocery store or fruit stand on every block, it might be surprising to learn that fresh produce is often inaccessible to many New Yorkers. But in areas known as "food deserts," quality produce is difficult to find, especially on a budget. 幸运的是, an expanding program at bg视讯是 striving to make eating fruits and vegetables cool, 又变得容易和负担得起了.

Each FoodBox includes a fruit, a cooking green, a raw green, an aromatic (i.e. garlic, scallion, onion), and 5-8 fresh and seasonal vegetables. Ms. Tucker claimed that buyers are often surprised by how much food is actually in a FoodBox — enough to feed a family of four for a week when supplemented with grains and proteins.

Although Fresh FoodBox is aimed at underserved areas throughout 的 city and accepts EBT/SNAP benefits in addition to cash and credit/debit, Ms. Tucker pointed out that areas lacking access to quality produce are not necessarily located in poorer neighborhoods.

"We have a FoodBox [site] on 的 Upper East Side,” Ms. Tucker noted “… [Participants] are so excited because everything in 的 area is Coach handbag stores, 但是你不能买苹果."





